I don't know about you, but life with a broken leg is... slow. I started doing yard work yesterday just because I was bored and I wanted to go outside. And you know what? I actually liked it! In fact, my parents are giving me lists of things to do! I almost enjoy being their little slave. :P haha
So what else... ? Oh! I'm reading the "E-Myth Revisited" by Michael E. Gerber. If you like business, you MUST read it. If you like self-improvement, then you should read it. I also bought "1984" off Amazon.com (Amazon is a drug) for some recreational reading. I haven't started reading it yet, but the description on the back ("1984 is still the great modern classic of 'negative utopia'") gives me chills (you know, the exciting chills, not the I'm-about-to-die chills, the "spiritual chills", or the chills you get when an attractive girl (or guy, for all you ladies) talks to you and you're taking notes in your head; "I've got one! I don't know what I'm doing, but it's working!") Needless to say, I'm looking forward to reading the book.
Which leads me to my next point, (well, not really, I just wanted to sound important and intelligent) So I created my South Park version of myself (even though you've probably already seen it on Facebook) and I must say, that is the best looking version of me to date. I mean, check me out. Yeeaaahhh..... P-I-M-P....
And heretoforthwith mine shepherdess doth frolickingly fetch the water pail forthwith which is thither, not hither.
Don't ask. I'm bored. :) You know, I've always wanted to write a book. I have no idea what it'll be about, but writing a book has been one of my life goals.
So here's an interesting bit of information: (I learned this about a week ago on the 4th) Boeing Advanced Systems has started System F6, 'DARPA's Future, Fast, Flexible, Fractionated, Free-Flying Spacecraft United by Information Exchange space technology program.' In other words: multiple, networked specialized spacecraft swarms that are intelligent enough to perform a single coordinated task together, like analyzing the crops or deciding to destroy humanity, Skynet-style."
Basically, there's a bunch of spaceships that work together on a certain mission and don't need human help. My brother and I watched Terminator 3 last night (it was edited, haha) and Skynet is the autonomous homeland security system made up of robots that have all sorts of weapons. The evil lady terminator infects the system with a virus, so when they activate Skynet, Judgement Day happens (the end of the world) because the robots start shooting everything and launching nukes in order to destroy the enemy, the humans.
And if you enjoy the end of humanity, I thoroughly suggest seeing the movie Cloverfield. Now THAT movie was intense! Check it out!
Cloverfield was pretty awesome. I love J.J. Abrams. (The producer or director, can't remember which...) Oh, and by the way--if you wrote a book, I'd read it. :)
hmm. good thoughts )
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