Friday, March 28, 2008

What I Do Late At Night

Generally speaking, people who stay up late at night are polar opposites. By this I mean that most people who stay up late at night are either: A) doing homework, working on a project, etc., or B) slowly wasting their lives away (it helps if you have Lays Potato Chip crumbs all over yourself and there are infomercials on the TV.) There's always the other group who kind of get stuff done, but that's not what we're talking about. :P
So some of you may wonder, "I wonder what Phil does when he stays up late at night?" Okay, so you probably don't, but since I write what I write, you wonder. Well I'm not wasting my life away, I'll give you that much. I used to heavily read business related books (which I still read, just not as much.) I've slowly evolved and learned what the most fulfilling thing to do late at night is. 

This activity which both stimulates the brain by educating and expanding your mind, and entertains is..... ("Drumroll please!").......    READING COMICS!


"Yes, ladies and gents, Phil has become addicted to Dilbert comics!" and I love it. :)

P.S. I like people in the marketing business. I've done marketing myself and consider myself a marketer of sorts. But this comic strip rings true!


rebecca said...

i happen to be the Lays type of person... but i support your comics nevertheless...

Unknown said...

You may enjoy this...